Unveiling the Magic: Aloha from Your New District Governor

Submitted by Hawaii Rotary District 5000, July 1, 2024

Let’s Make Magic with Aloha in 2024-2025!

Aloha District 5000 Rotary Members,

Abracadabra! I’m Ted Faigle, your new District Governor and a proud member of the Rotary Club of Po’ipu Beach on Kauai. Having served as District Chief of Staff, Assistant Governor, and Social Media Chair, I’m excited to lead our district into a year of growth and impact.

Our theme, “Make Magic with Aloha,” builds on Rotary International’s theme, “The Magic of Rotary.” This year, let’s put a particular focus on a couple of our key priorities:

  1. implementing the Rotary Action Plan in our clubs and
  2. making our Rotary club experience irresistible to both current and prospective members.

The Rotary Action Plan has strategic pillars for us to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and boost our ability to adapt. By embracing these pillars and crafting club-specific actions for each, we’ll strengthen our clubs and amplify our service.

I’ve seen firsthand the “magical” transformative power of Rotary, from local initiatives like Maui fires relief and recovery to international projects like our service work in Bali, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines, among others.

Now, imagine a world free of polio and other diseases… a world where people of all colors, genders, and walks of life are respected, valued, and protected… a world where every voice is heard, and every action promotes peace… a life where daily acts of kindness feel like magic to someone less fortunate.

To celebrate and experience this magic together, I invite you to plan to join us at the District 5000 Conference. Hosted by myself and our team of Rotary magicians, the conference will be held from May 30 to June 1, 2025, at the Ala Moana Hotel.

Early Bird Registration (EBR) opens online from July 1 through August 31, 2024. The EBR fee of $390 includes Conference Registration, Saturday lunch, Saturday Gala Dinner, and Sunday brunch. The first 125 paid EBR before the August 31st deadline will receive a $25 Ala Moana Center gift card. Rates go up on September 1st, so visit www.rotaryd5000.org/discon and let the magic begin!

I invite each of you to join me in creating an impact at home and abroad, expanding our Rotary family. Together, let’s Make Magic with Aloha throughout the coming year, inspiring positive change in our local communities and beyond.

Mahalo and with warm Rotary aloha,

District 5000 Governor Ted Faigle, 2024-25 

Ted Faigle

Hawai’i Rotary District 5000

District Governor 2024-2025


Register for DisCon2025: Ala Moana

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