Submitted by Kathleen Merriam, Rotary Club of Kaneohe

Our District Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group (RAG) is encouraging Rotary Clubs to participate in two upcoming Walks that support mental health:
The Out of Darkness Walk is on September 14th and is on Oahu, information below.
The NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is on all major islands and is on October 14th. More information on this next month.
Mahalo Rotary Clubs of Honolulu & Pearl Harbor for already creating Walk Teams for the Out of the Darkness Walks!
The more Rotary Club Walk Teams, the more educational opportunities, the more engagement, and the more support we can offer our Rotarians and our communities. Depression and anxiety has increased tremendously and suicide is very difficult to discuss.
For these walks, they do prompt us to raise funds, however, its not essential and that is not the priority. It is about decreasing stigma and bringing mental health to the forefront.
More information on, under events.
Please discuss with your club about having a Team under your Rotary Club name. Be identified as a club and as a Rotarian:)
Oahu Walk Information
Date: 09/14/2024
On-Site Registration Starts: 8:00 am
Program Starts: 9:00 am
Location: Frank F. Fasi Civic Grounds – Skygate, Honolulu, HI
Contact: Cat Langan
Contact Phone: 808-469-1650
Contact Email (Walk Chair): [email protected]
On-Site Registration Starts: 8:00 am
Program Starts: 9:00 am
Location: Frank F. Fasi Civic Grounds – Skygate, Honolulu, HI
Contact: Cat Langan
Contact Phone: 808-469-1650
Contact Email (Walk Chair): [email protected]
Walk Route: The walk is 1.2 miles starting at Skygate along King St., Richards St., Beretania St., and Alapa’i St.
Mahalo, Kathleen Merriam